Ideas that move and copy that sells.
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From quick and timely posts to more planned mini-campaigns. Using video, stop-motion, GIFs, animation and UGC. And tapping into FB live, IG Stories and Snapchat Filters. 



BTW, that's me. And my wife. And my newborn son, Luca. Just worked out that way (smiley face emoji). 

Cavs 9-month Later post.png

Father's Day "Dad Types"

Gift Guides are a thing in retail. But we wanted to have fun with the emotional side (and, well, stereotypical side) to giving you ideas on what to get Dad.


Dreidel of Deals for Facebook Live

Let's just chat if you're interested in this one. It's weird, ha. But it worked and it was completely unconventional. 


ComFest Snapchat Filter

I'm always trying to use technology to enhance the brand or concept. Not rely on it or just check it off as another tactic. This is a perfect example. And it was a huge hit. It was funny, highly contextual and very different than any other filters around. Plus, oddly relevant for an apparel brand.


NBA Timelapse Teaser

One of many tactics in our NBA 90s campaign launch (See in "Campaigns"). We have amazing artists, and it's just another cool way to show that off plus differentiate HOMAGE as a brand that bleeds authenticity. 



Concept and Copy often in collaboration with our Social Media Director, Matt Cook.